Global Journal of Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development

CP Onwuemelie

Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Nigeria, Nigeria


  • Research   
    Determinants of vulnerability of rural non-farm and farm households to food insecurity in South East, Nigeria
    Author(s): NA Okonkwo, AP Obot*, KD Ude, CP Onwuemelie, FO Okechukwu and RA Agianpuye

    Food insecurity remains a major concern for numerous rural households in Sub-Saharan Africa who rely on agriculture as their main source of livelihood. To ensure food security among rural communities, policymakers need information on the vulnerability and determinants of vulnerability so as to devise strategies that non-farm and farm households can use to cope with economic shock. Using Vulnerability Index (VI) Analysis and OLS multiple regression, we explored the prevalence of vulnerability to food insecurity among rural non-farm and farm households in South East, Nigeria. The results showed that both rural non-farm (0.516) and farm (0.450) households have normal level of vulnerability and are at normal risk of being futuristically food insecure according to UNICEF standard parameters to measure household’s vulnerability. The prominent difference in the determinants of vulnerab.. Read More»

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