Review Article
Factors affecting the success of cooperatives in poverty reduction of members in case of Aman Zuriya multipurpose cooperatives society
Author(s): Alemayehu Bakalo*
Poverty is the main condition in which a person of communities is deprived the basic needs and necessities for minimum living standard. Cooperatives can be critical elements of effective strategy in poverty reduction in developing countries. The main objective of this study is to assess the factors that affecting success of cooperatives in poverty reduction of members. The study was combination of both qualitative and quantitative research approach. To achieve the objectives primary and secondary data collected from different sources primary data interview with cooperatives expert, cooperatives promotion offices. To selects sample representatives judgmental sample techniques employed as result of these 143 respondents selected for questionnaire. The date collected was analyzed by using statistical tool like frequency, % age, table, mean and standard deviation with the help of Statisti.. Read More»