Global Journal of Dairy Farming and Milk Production

Commentary - Global Journal of Dairy Farming and Milk Production ( 2021) Volume 6, Issue 4

Uses of milk over the world

Susan E Erdman*
Department of Biotechnology, National University of Rosario, Argentina
*Corresponding Author:
Susan E Erdman, Department of Biotechnology, National University of Rosario, Argentina, Email:

Published: 31-Aug-2021




Milk is the daily essential product in our daily life some of the researchers says that it is harmful to some of the body parts on the other side some researchers says that health benefits of dairy and other researchers says that the health benefits is depends upon the persons diet and we can’t take milk directly before Pasteurization and homogenization because it won’t digest and acidified reactions will occur in the digestive system.

In milk it contains calcium, protein, iron, vitamins, zinc, fat etc. It also improves the bone weight in children and it also helps from preventing fractures and also protein which makes bones and muscles healthy but taking of excess of milk may also leads to bone fractures mainly in adults. Some of them thin that the fat contains in the milk is injuries to the health and heart but the fact is that the fat contains in the milk is good cholesterol and that prevents from stroke and heart diseases. Some problems occur due to milk are gas problems and diarrhoea it is due to the bad bacteria obtained in the milk. Milk is used over the world and it is one of the high protein and calcium diets not only milk but also cheese, yogurt and other milk products, all the athletics drink milk daily to maintain good health and bone weight because it is packed with the nutrients and it is contained only in the milk from the grass feed and pastured cows.

Some of the vegans wont drink milk they alternative is that the soya milk, almond milk, coconut milk, cashew milk etc. in this they contains low protein but rich in carbs. The percentage of the people may not drink milk but the products by them may take in very large amount of members. California is the leading milk production and most earning country economically by milk while India is known as most consumed worldwide milk drinking. More over 100 million households around the world were engaged in milk production and in developing countries milk is used for their basic income and now a day the share increases globally. This is because of the growth of producing animals rather than the productivity and in many dairy farms the feed is of poor quality and resources may lead to diseases and some health issues. Now a day the consumption of pure milk is decreasing while increasing in demand for chocolates, ice-creams, cheese, etc. Increasing in the demand for the plant based products the companies were making great efforts to obtain plant based milk products and at certain time the products were beyond the meat rate economically and it became the burden for the dairy farm companies but gradually the companies and industries were gaining profit by implementing different methods and new technologies. This is the dairy chain which increases the production and the transport and also the packing and storages which helps in the developing the country’s wealth and the income economically. By the end of the day the liquid milk is the most consumed product all over the world.


I thank my professor for his support in my study.

Conflict of Interest

Author declares there is no conflict of interest.