Global Journal of Dairy Farming and Milk Production

Commentary - Global Journal of Dairy Farming and Milk Production ( 2021) Volume 6, Issue 5

The Difficulties Encountered During Milking

Ka Sini*
Department of Agriculture, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
*Corresponding Author:
Ka Sini, Department of Agriculture, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, Email:

Published: 30-Dec-2021


It invigorates and pays ranchers who produce the most noteworthy important kind of milk for the center. This is particularly basic as we create some distance from ware things and toward expensive items that require exceptionally top notch milk. Since the program’s commencement, the level of ranchers who get an extra has ascended to almost 85%. Being there during draining is ordinarily the best way to deal with issues and this was a normal part of the specialists’ obligations. During draining, examinations every now and again distinguish the reasons for challenges, especially concerning draining and clean techniques. Assuming cows are anxious in the parlor, it very well may be an indication of electrical issues, packing, a draining gear breakdown, or ill-advised draining strategies. Nipple end harm is a major warning that something isn’t right. In issue crowds, eliminating groups under vacuum is still really pervasive. This could be because of breaking down shut-off valves or lacking draining method. Groups ought to be taken out and supplanted without making any commotion or vacuum. In any case, nipple end injury will happen, bringing about mastitis and a high Somatic Cell Count (SCC). Nipple end harm can likewise be brought about by extreme vacuum, frail throb, or a lacking milk line fall. Mastitis control relies on forestalling or restricting new contaminations. Coming up next are the significant practices for accomplishing this: Keep draining machines in great working request. SCC can be diminished by dropping the vacuum level much underneath the required 48 kPa, as indicated by numerous ranchers, Change liners somewhere around double a season, and utilize appropriate draining procedure and disinfection, After each draining, utilize a supported nipple plunge. On the off chance that plunging, utilize 10 cc/cow/draining or 1 liter of plunge for every 50 cows every day. Utilize 15 cc/cow and spritz generally around every nipple if showering. Try not to weaken the plunge with glycerine or some other item assuming that it is the right strength, Identify and treat new instances of mastitis with anti-toxins straightaway. Consistently, every rancher should watch out for SCCs. Milk recording is the main dependable strategy for keeping exact crowd and individual cow SCC records: Make legitimate utilization of dry cow treatment. To forestall the spread of microorganisms, milkers should wear clean gloves, Keep cows and yearlings protected from stray electrical and unpleasant dealing with by giving an agreeable, clean, and dry climate for them inside, Cows are particularly helpless against mastitis contamination in the weeks paving the way to and following calving, and along these lines require exceptional consideration. Ascertain that cows get a satisfactory stockpile of high quality minerals and minor components, Keep the draining parlor adequately ventilated to forestall dampness and bacterial spread, Teats ought to be treated prior to draining, dry cleaned, and bunches sanitized between cows in issue crowds. A few cows are constantly sick and can’t be mended in any capacity. When the culpable quarter not set in stone, an example should be shipped off your veterinarian for testing. For treating intense cases during lactation, a clever anti-microbial cylinder with a seven-day treatment is currently accessible.