Global Journal of Teacher Education

Commentary - Global Journal of Teacher Education ( 2022) Volume 10, Issue 3

The assessment of interactive learning: Learner perspectives and capabilities

A Orvin*
Department of Educational Guidance, Saarland University, Saarbrucken, Germany
*Corresponding Author:
A Orvin, Department of Educational Guidance, Saarland University, Saarbrucken, Germany, Email:

Received: 01-Nov-2022, Manuscript No. GJTE-22-83013; Editor assigned: 03-Nov-2022, Pre QC No. GJTE-22-83013 (PQ); Reviewed: 21-Nov-2022, QC No. GJTE-22-83013; Revised: 30-Nov-2022, Manuscript No. GJTE-22-83013 (R); Published: 07-Dec-2022, DOI: 10.15651/GJTE.22.10.030


Modern technology excels in drawing students to more courses than ever before, and interactive learning has been proven to be an effective teaching strategy. Due to their ability to incorporate a range of media, built-in exercises, and even game-based learning materials, interactive whiteboards are very effective at increasing class attendance. Along with advantages and disadvantages, it also includes helpful instructions for putting interactive learning into practice. A thorough approach to education is interactive learning. By placing a strong emphasis on student engagement with new materials, the interactive class structure is far more comprehensive. This unique approach to teaching emphasizes debate, open questions, and critical thinking above information recitation in its courses.

The best way to promote learning is through student collaboration. It has been demonstrated that pupils learn more effectively when doing so in a group setting, regardless of the subject. In addition to easy consultation before answering questions and the use of internet resources after class, this does not necessarily imply group work or presentations. There is no one right approach to finish a work or project in the context of interactive learning. The strategy that best fits a student's learning style is encouraged. While some people may prefer to write essays, others may prefer to create presentations or videos.

The strength of the lesson ideas was originally what defined how lively and pleased the students and teachers would be. Teachers have been pushed to involve their students in the process because of the recent emphasis on a practical approach. This enables for continuous course change and improvement on both sides, and the unique feedback that result from it.

The value of interactive learning extends much beyond any one factor, including class size, age range, topics, and learning preferences. In actuality, there are no restrictions on interaction. Given that this new methodology is universal, its guiding principles hold true in all circumstances. Imagine lecturers droning as student. Despite its usefulness and benefits, interactive learning still faces several difficulties. These difficulties are not at all negative because they largely relate to the technical features of the strategy.

The teacher, not the pupil, is particularly affected by this. Technical dependability, everyone who has used a technological device may have experienced technical hiccups or malfunctions. The inability of something to function as expected is the most aggravating thing. Digital whiteboards and other interactive learning tools fall under this category. In particular, if the class is disrupted by IT lag, this is valid. Lessons that use a digital whiteboard or other interactive teaching methods won't be successful.

Teachers frequently check the allotted time against the schedule to ensure that everything is ready. In addition to preparation, interactive learning and the technology it uses call for training and acclimatization, which is frequently not ideal. Typically, classroom sizes are overly large. Whiteboards have a propensity to go smaller than necessary, which might make visibility a problem. This is achievable in any circumstance, but it is considerably more crucial in settings like interactive learning environments and classrooms with digital whiteboards, particularly when the latter is the lesson's main focus.

The capacity to adjust is what makes a lesson good. If an activity doesn't go as planned, the teacher should be able to alter directions at any time. Interactive learning allows teachers to produce voice and video, which was previously not possible. Too many instructors around the world have the regrettable burden of resource management. Supply scarcity worries can make it difficult to arrange lessons effectively. Similar to interactive learning technology, the teaching process can be greatly digitized, especially if a digital whiteboard is used. Consequently, concerns about supply can be allayed. It's enjoyable to introduce interactive learning into the classroom since it can increase motivation, engagement, and teamwork.