Received: 02-Aug-2022, Manuscript No. GJAEERD-22-74342; Editor assigned: 04-Aug-2022, Pre QC No. GJAEERD-22-74342(PQ); Reviewed: 19-Aug-2022, QC No. GJAEERD-22-74342; Revised: 26-Aug-2022, Manuscript No. GJAEERD-22-74342(R); Published: 05-Sep-2022, DOI: 10.15651/2408-5480.22.10.008
It is widely recognized that transport access is the vital indicator of economic growth as well as the backbone of economic development activities, especially in rural area. It is often a challenge for the people in poor road accessible areas of the developing world to reach the urban centers and the markets in order to sell their produce, to find employment, to obtain education and health care services or to buy agricultural inputs and consumer goods. It is often very challenging for the rural communities when the access to the urban centers and markets is limited or scanty. The physical isolation experienced by the communities in poor road accessed area is often accountable for sustaining their poverty and vulnerability. So the isolated communities who are in poverty need sufficient transport services to access clean water, get employment, education, health care services, and the markets to sell their produces.
The isolation of many rural communities can also hinder governments from providing basic social services. For area which lacks access to water ways, roads is often considered the only means for connecting people to the public services and other activities. Improved roads accessibility has been able to impact the living standards through different mechanisms it can play an important role by reducing transport cost for agriculture goods and inputs, it also facilitate to the rural households to participate in the labor market, and permit larger truckloads and more frequent transport options. Improved road connectivity also strongly linked to access to market which can subsequently pave the way to a greater variety and lower prices of important inputs and goods for consumption, as well as higher prices and demand for local produces. It can also boost productivity and income, and facilitate the change from subsistence agriculture to cash crops production or to non-agricultural activities, allowing diversification of household sources of income.
In various studies researchers reported that a presence of good road network enhance country‘s competitiveness in moving goods economically.
Inaccessibility or poor road conditions are barriers to agriculture, industry and trade, and may obstruct the entire development effort. Better-quality of rural roads usually have a positive impact on rural communities. Such enhancements are expected to advance their ability to access social services, markets and jobs, and therefore contribute to improving their living standards. While the economic benefit of enhanced road accessibility mainly from improved availability of services. Good availability roads minimize the cost of transportation and farm input. Increase well-timed input handiness and therefore can result in higher productivity of agricultural activities.
Greater nonfarm production and lower poverty in well integrated markets also leads to minimize of seasonal price fluctuations and minimize price inconsistency caused by disruption of market equilibrium. Economic benefit nature of road it is very significant to realize the relationship between road accessibility and socioeconomic development of the society in developing country. There is rapidly increasing literature focused at the relationship between road accessibility and socioeconomic development in countries such as Switzerland and United States. In contrast, there is very few number of studies exist that put forward the possible association between road infrastructure accessibility and socioeconomic development in other developing countries and in Ethiopia. Beside this, the country‘s poor transport infrastructure has particularly restricted the chances of the elderly and especially able citizens to access resources.