Global Educational Journal of Library and Information Science

Opinion Article - Global Educational Journal of Library and Information Science ( 2022) Volume 9, Issue 2

Role of library and its significance in present society

L Kim*
Department of Library and Information Science, Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest, Hungary
*Corresponding Author:
L Kim, Department of Library and Information Science, Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest, Hungary, Email:

Received: 28-Jul-2022, Manuscript No. GEJLIS-22-73952; Editor assigned: 01-Aug-2022, Pre QC No. GEJLIS-22-73952 (PQ); Reviewed: 16-Aug-2022, QC No. GEJLIS-22-73952; Revised: 23-Aug-2022, Manuscript No. GEJLIS-22-73952 (R); Published: 30-Aug-2022, DOI: 10.15651/2449-0628.22.9.060


The concept of a library has long extended beyond the physical structure of a library. Our services have always included access to sources located outside of the library. Librarians have collaborated in a variety of ways over the years. Only a few examples of resource sharing include central cataloguing, union lists of journals, cooperative collection development. The library has long been seen as a communal institution. It plays a huge part in contemporary life and is regarded as the community's entryway to knowledge. The function and structure of libraries have undergone a significant transformation as a result of the development of new information sources, especially web-based resources. Libraries are now used by individuals from all walks of life regardless of their age, occupation, from children to adults, from teachers to politicians, from business people to housewives. In today's information era libraries have both printed and electronic items that are used by everyone. In library conventional documents like books, journals, and newspapers are kept alongside non-traditional documents like maps and charts. Modern societies are more dependent than ever on institutions to solve societal demands, concerns, and national interests.

Political, cultural and economic imperatives now rely on institutions. The expansion of library services must be viewed in a way that makes the democratisation of scientific and technological advances possible distributing them in a more efficient and equitable manner allowing progress by society in search of the common good. For every societal activity societies have evolved a variety of institutions to minimise the harmful manipulation practises of power domination. A metamorphosis occurs when society develops shifting the emphasis away from elements related to production and economic development. The foundation of this shift is that all human activity is structured through institutions since the information sector where it is a component of library services is knowledge-intensive rather than labourdemanding.

Every significant societal endeavour including business, industry, health care, education and research, is institutionalised. Today institutions and organisations are almost always trusted with the protection of the environment or the military. Libraries and other institutions of the same nature gather, store, process, organise, disseminate and share information and knowledge contained in written records. Libraries and other organisations that handle and manage knowledge and information are indispensable because they are so important for the overall development of humans the crucial role that libraries play in the educational process of formal and informal learning; in research and development; in cultural endeavours; in spiritual and ideological spheres; in leisure and amusement; etc. Modern society is moving toward an information society where knowledge and information are the primary change-agents, forces and directions of change as a result of astounding advancements in information technologies, growing user categories, and their information demands in various contexts. The objective of society's economic prosperity is another.


Technological advancements brought about by research and the tremendous amount of knowledge it makes available to us must support activities geared toward this objective. Humans possess deeper, more refined impulses like spiritual, ideological, cultural, and aesthetic inclinations that purify life and raise it to a higher degree. The goal should be the creation of a society that can live a sophisticated, prosperous life while emphasising and upholding a few core principles. It is the duty of society as a whole to put in place appropriate arrangements for this reason.