Global Educational Journal of Library and Information Science

Opinion Article - Global Educational Journal of Library and Information Science ( 2022) Volume 9, Issue 1

Organizational behaviour of positivity at a place for better work performance

H Asibur*
Department of Business Administration, Bangladesh University of Professionals, Dhaka, Bangladesh
*Corresponding Author:
H Asibur, Department of Business Administration, Bangladesh University of Professionals, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Email:

Received: 08-Feb-2022, Manuscript No. GEJLIS-22-64738; Editor assigned: 11-Feb-2022, Pre QC No. GEJLIS-22-64738(PQ); Reviewed: 25-Feb-2022, QC No. GEJLIS-22-64738; Revised: 04-Mar-2022, Manuscript No. GEJLIS-22-64738(R); Published: 11-Mar-2022, DOI: 10.15651/2449-0628.22.09.056


Positive organizational behavior is defined as "research and application of positive-minded people that can be measured, developed, and managed to improve performance in today’s work. It is related to points to positive psychologists, such as strengths and abilities, attitudes, motives, and talents. In addition, this definition directs of POB as a scientific discipline characterized by theoretical and empirical rigor.

Positive Psychology Resources

Four Positive Psychology Skills are measurable and can be improved and managed for better job performance.

Self-efficacy: Self-efficacy is a concrete and positive expectation of success based on a belief in one's abilities. The best employees set challenging goals, expand their efforts towards success, and drive positive change. Effectiveness of source developed from four main things: task accomplishment, surrogate learning, social beliefs, and emotional arousal.

Self-efficacy, known as self-confidence, it is one of the most nurtured psychological models adopted in positive psychology. It is our optimistic confidence in our ability, or the possibility of successfully completing a task and achieving favorable results.

Hope: it refers “a positive motivational state that is based on an interactively derived sense of successful agency (goal-oriented energy) and pathways (planning to meet goals).” This meaning of hope consists of both the “willpower“ and the “way power”, considerable research over the past several years indicates it has a very positive impact on academic achievement, athletic accomplishment, emotional health, the ability to cope with illness and other hardships.

Preserving towards goals and, when necessary, in order to succeed.

Optimism: Optimism allows a person to internalize events and see negative events as temporary and linked to outside situations. Pessimism promotes failure, according to positive organizational behaviour studies, but optimism can be learned and measured, and impacts how a person performs in the workplace

It is based on the belief that people have an innate desire to be independent, creative and productive. It also realizes that people working in the organization can and will actualize these potentials if they are given proper conditions and environments.

Resilience: Positive organizational behaviour, namely POB, is the use of positive psychology in the workplace . POB-oriented studies mostly addresses individual traits such as conscientiousness and trait-like states such as optimism, self-efficacy and resilience and their outcomes organizational practices such as strong organizational cultures and human resource practices . It does not depend on a single theory, but it includes elements such as excellence, thriving, flourishing, abundance, resilience, or virtuousness.

Positive Organizational Scholarships

Positive Organizational Scholarship (POS) is a relatively new development in organization studies, having formally begun with a 2003 edited collection of the same name. The theoretical basis and scope of POS have been addressed quite recently), so this chapter only summarizes these issues, in favor of concentrating on the research and practice of positive organizational scholarships.

Benefits of Positive Organizational Scholarship

Researchers have emphasized several benefits associated with POS concept. For example, it is posited that POS has the capability of providing an expanded view about how organizations may create sustained competitive advantage. It is also advocated that such result may be achieved by unlocking certain capacities such as meaning creation, relationship transformation, positive emotion cultivation, and high-quality connections. To a large extent, POS researchers are very optimistic about the contribution of POS benefits. For them, it is able to provide “a unique conceptual foundation for understanding how and why organizational strategies have their effects on human behaviour in the workplace” as well as “why some strategies and dynamic capabilities may be more generative than others. In addition, POS researchers argue that it offers a whole view in which organizations and their actors are perceived as capable of carrying out exceptional performance and obstacles.