Received: 27-Jan-2022, Manuscript No. IJNPE-22-64052; Editor assigned: 01-Feb-2022, Pre QC No. IJNPE-22-64052(PQ); Reviewed: 14-Feb-2022, QC No. IJNPE-22-64052; Revised: 28-Feb-2022, Manuscript No. IJNPE-22-64052(R); Published: 03-Mar-2022, DOI: 10.15651/IJNPE.22.03.002
Monitoring learning-oriented school education, also known as kindergarten. A play school or an kindergarten is an educational institution or learning center that provides early childhood education before compulsory school education begins in elementary school. It is publicly or privately operated and funded by public funds. The best performing education system is a combination of fairness and quality.
They provide quality educational opportunities for all children. This report provides policy recommendations on the educational system to help all children succeed in education. We support school-level systems and policies to promote fairness and quality. It also includes guidance on how to help underprivileged students and schools. Improving their opportunities benefits the education system and society as a whole. Educational fairness can be defined in different ways. Equity as inclusion means ensuring that all students achieve at least a basic minimum level of competence.
A fair education system is fair and inclusive and helps students reach their learning potential without building formal or informal barriers or lowering expectations. Equity as impartiality means that personal or socioeconomic conditions such as gender, ethnic origin and family background do not affect the success of education.
Building a good foundation for early childhood education will bring future benefits such as better learning at school and higher education, and will bring great social and economic benefits to society. By motivating children to learn, reducing lesson repetition, and dropping out of school, the overall efficiency of the education system can be increased, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO, 2015). Docket & Perry (2010) argues that parents who care about improving their child's school enrolment may be dissatisfied with their child's preschool school enrolment and reading ability. They further argue that when teachers are pressured by their parents to play at school, they become frustrated when discussing with their parents how their children react to school. Parents and teachers really need guidance to support their children by learning literacy skills in a natural learning environment without being overwhelmed by academic performance.
Preschool education also encourages the development of basic skills that enable children to actively engage with their peers. Pre-schoolers learn not to cry, not to be shy, and to be good. Skills that encourage interaction with other children. Children will also learn the rules of when and where to line up in class and how to listen to school bells and adults. Children with these skills are more likely to avoid getting into trouble with teachers and other children when going to school. Educational equity can contribute to economic competitiveness and social cohesion.
Equity in Education can Contribute to Economic Competitiveness and Social Cohesion
The cost of injustice and school failure is high individuals and societies that are costly and difficult to treat later. Investing in education fairness and reducing early dropouts has been successful. This section examines how promoting fairness in education can help improve economic, social and personal outcomes. It also explains the importance of providing quality education from the start and why it is economically efficient.
Preventing School Failure to Secure a Productive Workforce and Economic Growth
Developing individual skills will improve employability and productivity. In a broader sense, individual cognitive ability has been strongly associated with economic growth over the last 40 years (Handshake and Weismann, 2009). Education is also related to entrepreneurship, which improves social mobility.