Global Research Journal of Education

Opinion Article - Global Research Journal of Education ( 2022) Volume 10, Issue 2

Impact of education in our daily lives

L Hopkins*
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Vermont, Burlington, USA
*Corresponding Author:
L Hopkins, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Vermont, Burlington, USA, Email:

Received: 01-Aug-2022, Manuscript No. GRJE-22-74137; Editor assigned: 03-Aug-2022, Pre QC No. GRJE-22-74137(PQ); Reviewed: 17-Aug-2022, QC No. GRJE-22-74137; Revised: 24-Aug-2022, Manuscript No. GRJE-22-74137(R); Published: 31-Aug-2022, DOI: 10.15651/2408-6894.22.10.138


Education is an important aspect of the development of modern society. Education educates people and keeps them away from superstitions. We offer the best possible processing not only in India, but also in many Western countries. Education teaches a person to always follow the right path in life. Highly educated people can always organize things for themselves. An educated person can lead a very comfortable life. Education makes students physically and mentally strong. Education is people's best investment because well-educated people are more likely to get satisfying jobs. Educated people are always respected everywhere in the world and their talents are recognized and rewarded. Education also makes people positive. We know that education is our passport to success, so we sometimes give up our fun and work hard day and night. Literacy depends on education. All advances in technology are due to education. Education is a key factor in creating jobs and plays an important role in the development of a country and in increasing the country's per capita income. Education is the best weapon for eradicating poverty. Education promotes knowledge and understanding in rural communities. Education keeps people away from superstition. Educated people are health conscious. Education is just one way for her to succeed in life. It increases a person's ethical worth.

Education can shape character and lead individuals to the development of knowledge. As a result, a person integrates into the running of the school, contacts, frees himself, communicates, and orients himself. And school is not the only place where we get our education. In this sense, different sectors of society can affect individuals. In order to acquire knowledge, procedures must be followed, whether formal or not. Knowledge can be acquired through basic or applied research. Knowledge can also be transferred from one individual to another through communication.

Education is a powerful weapon. Through it, a citizen becomes more critical, has more job opportunities, and improves their quality of life. The importance of learning for yourself is sharing your knowledge with others. Through this sharing, education acts directly on economic, social, and cultural development.

Without access to knowledge, we do not know rights, environment, decent working conditions and respect. Find out now what a good education can achieve! Education helps us express our views and opinions. It helps us understand and form opinions on a variety of complex issues. It helps explain our point of view on issues that don't have clear answers. We can exchange information and hold conversations efficiently and accurately. The knowledge we gain through education influences us to push the boundaries of our thinking. It makes us creative and productive. It helps you think outside the box. Educated people tend to think twice before they act, so they can avoid making bad decisions. Good and creative thinking has built a confident and vibrant individual.

Education is not just about writing books, it develops our character. We learn to respect, help and are kind to all. We recognize gender inequality, racism and other forms of discrimination and help countries overcome all these issues. Good character makes everyone worthy.

Education System helps to bring out the hidden talents in our students, nurture them and guide them in the right direction. Teachers focus on students' personal growth through activities such as improvisation, discussion, speaking, singing, dancing and drawing. Education creates tomorrow's leaders, and leaders shape the future of societies, nations and the world. It also helps in dealing with difficult situations in life. An educated person is always ready to deal with unpredictable situations such as loss, shock, conflict, and emergencies. We are learning that this is part of life and we should move on. Ups and downs make our life journey incredibly unforgettable. Learn about machines, plants, our own bodies, forests, animals, different scientists and their experiments, writers, poets, famous places and more. It makes me feel the beauty of nature and the universe.