Received: 21-Jan-2022, Manuscript No. JPAPR-22-64159; Editor assigned: 25-Jan-2022, Pre QC No. JPAPR-22-64159 (PQ); Reviewed: 08-Feb-2022, QC No. JPAPR-22-64159; Revised: 15-Feb-2022, Manuscript No. JPAPR-22-64159 (R); Published: 22-Feb-2022, DOI: 10.15651/JPAPR.22.04.002
An advocacy research is a type of “descriptive policy survey” conducted by people who are deeply concerned about certain social issues such as poverty and rape. Their research seeks to measure social problems to raise public awareness of social problems and to provide policy proposals and other action cues to improve the problem. From time to time, advocacy research studies bend research methods to scale up the social problems described, thereby strengthening examples of public action to address the problem (Shrime et al., 2015).
The benefits of something you`re advocating for might also additionally appear apparent to you, however, that does not imply, they may be apparent to others. You'll have to expose them that your thoughts will extensively advantage the community. Research let you towards this intention in numerous ways:
• Research offers your advocacy substance. Your studies provide statistics and records on your notion and passion. The latter is important, however, they may not persuade too many folks who disagree with you. (Scott et al., 2016).
• Research offers you to new data to assist make your case. Often, your studies will flip up effective data to your facet that even you did not realize about. It may even assist you to decide how a lot of investment is needed, how lengthy it's going to take to look at results, and then in all likelihood results of doing nothing (Verma et al., 2005).
• Research gives you credibility. Doing your research well will identify you as a serious advocate who lays the foundation before trying to convince people of your position. It will make people more willing to listen to you and believe what they have heard. Research trials can take some time, but you don't always have to wait for evidence to emerge before trying to stimulate public support. Creating it establishes a foundation, facilitates a formal advocacy process, has a significant impact, and increases the likelihood of viewer involvement and active participation. (Vervoort et al., 2019).
• By investigating and evaluating early in the design process, the mechanism assesses the impact and clarifies what needs to be done, which benchmarks need to be measured, and which elements work or do not work (Eaton et al., 2012).
To show the need for funding and/or intervention on a particular topic. There are two ways to reach this goal:
• Your study may have a specific purpose: you are convinced that the need already exists and you need to gather information to prove it to others.
• Your research is designed to find out exactly what your needs are so that you can advocate something that helps. In this case, you are usually not interested in a particular topic but are interested in improving the quality of life of your target group or general community (Hubinette MM et al.,2014).
Attorney's Obligations to Clients
Attorneys are obliged to accept briefs from clients and charge a fee commensurate with the nature of the case compared to the fees charged by other attorneys working at the same law firm. A lawyer can justify the reason for dismissing a particular proceeding. The lawyer has to serve the client after the client agrees to serve the client. He must give a legitimate reason to withdraw from the proceedings and give sufficient notice to the client. He will refund the client a portion of the fees that did not incurred. It is the lawyer's duty not to accept any case or mission in which he is a witness. Similarly, if a lawyer finds himself a witness in the course of a case, he should not pursue the case. It is important that lawyers fully and openly disclose their interest in disputes with the parties to their clients. The lawyer finds himself a witness in the course of a case; he should not pursue the case. It is important that lawyers fully and openly disclose their interest in disputes with the parties to their clients (Lubna et al., 2020).
Advocacy Researchers Present Problems
• When society seeks advice from researchers, it seeks expertise. Research is used as a source of objective or unbiased information in public decision-making. Of course, research isn't entirely worthless, but the fact that it uses proven methods and is data-driven provides a useful basis for decision-making that affects the general public. Problems arise when advocacy overly influences or distorts the advice a researcher provides as an expert. It distorts conclusions, influences research design, and induces comments that go beyond the focus of expertise (Khayatzadeh et al., 2017).
• When researchers give advice, it is important that they either limit the advice to their area of expertise or explicitly state where their advice is not based on their expertise. Of course, as an individual, researchers are free to provide advice and opinions on any topic. They have the same voice as other citizens. However, if they speak as research professionals (or are recognized by others), advocacy should be limited to their area of expertise (Shiffman et al., 2007).
Eaton M. K. (2012). Professional advocacy: Linking Virginia’s story to public policy-making theory, learning from the past and applying to our future. Policy, Politics, & Nursing Practice. 13:105–112. [Crossref], [Google Scholar],[PubMed]
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