Received: 01-Dec-2022, Manuscript No. GJEF-22-84000; Editor assigned: 05-Dec-2022, Pre QC No. GJEF-22-84000 (PQ); Reviewed: 19-Dec-2022, QC No. GJEF-22-84000; Revised: 26-Dec-2022, Manuscript No. GJEF-22-84000 (R); Published: 02-Jan-2023, DOI: 10.15651/2449-061X.23.10.012
The leadership of the school determines its performance. Successful schools should conform to the core idea of effective school leadership. Distributed leadership, a recent trend in leadership, promotes the leadership of each team member in a school. Despite the fact that distributed leadership is rarely discussed or practised in developing nations, continued success in the developed world encourages its adoption in those settings. There is ample evidence linking effective school leadership to positive academic results. Numerous studies on the efficacy of schools have demonstrated that strong leadership is always one of the key components of high-performing institutions. The connection between academic achievement and leadership potential in various global contexts. An emerging idea in educational leadership is distributed leadership. However, developing nations like Bangladesh have a limited understanding of the idea and application of many leadership philosophies. Sometimes can school administrators take into account a certain leadership style's benefits for the school. This type of leadership demands a personable and patient lasting way to run a school that develops into a greater distribution of crucial leadership duties within a school. This leadership idea and approach has the potential to break down the traditional structural leadership's isolation, raise student success, and encourage collaboration.
Secondary education
Primary, secondary, and higher education are the three main levels of education in Bangladesh. Seven years are spent in secondary school, which is divided into three stages: junior secondary (3 years), secondary (2 years), and upper secondary. Five years are spent in elementary school (2 years). The majority of secondary schools are privately operated with government funding. While few schools do that, the majority of them actually provide coeducation. The Ministry of Education and its line authority are in charge of overseeing secondary education. The Ministry of Education's policy development, planning, monitoring, and evaluation efforts are concentrated on the post-primary higher education. The Head Teachers are in charge of running the secondary education departments in the schools. The conventional and historical legacy of the dominant colonial system influences school management. Every secondary school has two important leadership positions. In a school, the head teacher has the authority to carry out executive duties, while the deputy head teacher is in charge of line authority. They are in charge of the school's growth and advancement and occupy the formal leadership positions. Results of public exams serve as a gauge of a school's quality. When head teachers attempt to enhance student learning in the schools, concerns about teacher compensation and school amenities arise. Due to the teacher-student ratio, physical facilities, the economics, and the socio-political atmosphere, the majority of head teachers are forced to lead in difficult situations.
Concepts of distributed leadership
Many educational leaders assume main responsibility for running their school by secluding and governing themselves. This represents a very constrained understanding of leadership and disregards the leadership abilities of educators, students, and other community members. To successfully carry out their leadership responsibilities, educators must operate in an environment where everyone shares their energy, passion, and contributions. In the majority of organisations, positional leadership which is based on the authority or power conferred by the head teacher position has been valued. However, schools, as sophisticated social institutions, rely on cooperation to overcome obstacles. According to a distributed perspective used in schools, circumstances, leaders, and followers interact to produce leadership practise. Through a broader perspective where the individual knowledge and skill are judged as a matter of practise, it seeks to understand the interactions between people and their circumstances. The goal of educational development in a school is individual knowledge and learning, which can be achieved by applying distributed leadership. School leadership is going through a hard time in the education industry. Instead of improving the quality of pedagogical development, there is a far higher focus on the quantitative issues, such as expanding the student population. The moment has come to think about how secondary schools might nurture leadership in order to improve academic performance.
Impediments to distributed leadership
The adoption and application of distributed leadership are hampered by a number of factors. The notion and application of distributed leadership are not sufficiently understood by the teachers. Barriers were created by the political climate and secondary schools' traditional administrative schools can occasionally result in disagreements and ambiguity about how decisions should be made, which can frustrate personnel. Additionally, schools may struggle with a shortage of qualified teachers who can handle a variety of tasks with skill. Head instructors are unlikely to produce major results if they cannot establish a rapport of trust inside the business. Head teachers should think about successfully including teachers in decision-making so that they can apply their knowledge and understand how their responsibilities as instructors and leaders might change depending on the circumstance. Therefore, in order to enhance their leadership techniques, head teachers should provide opportunities for teachers to collaborate with them. For school reform programmes to be successful, they would need to establish trustworthy connections with teachers and the community. Such initiatives ought to be available to head teachers.