Received: 07-Aug-2021 Published: 30-Aug-2021
There are various types of challenges that can come with looking after horses as like all other types of farms and their animals and livestock. Domesticated horses and other requirement need to be properly looked after by humans in order to achieve optimal health, wealth, and to live a long life. When looking after horses and running a horse farm, it is important to consider the following areas of care (amongst others): environment, nutrition, health care.
Stud farming, Environment for horses at farm, Treatment
During middle age stud farms are part of any royal family. At that time few people are educated apart from monks and so they were appointed for the role of recording pedigrees. The Carthusia monks are famous for their role in horse breeding in Spain.
With passage of time the shine of Royal palace also vanished with this the number of stud farms also decreases. Now day’s stud farms are only used for any scientific studies or for sports purposes.
Horse farms owner are also faced Challenges as like other types of livestock farms owners are faced. Horses always needed a proper cares to achieve a best health and long life.
Horses are always kept in open ground areas where more space available for moving and exercise because if they are used for sports purpose then they have to very active. Shelters are not that much necessary like free space it only for safe them from unpredictable weather. Horses which are not kept in open area will require to be regular being ridden otherwise they became lazy which impact on their health also. Horses are required sufficient amount of grass or hay and clean water and nutritional supplements. The challenge which owners are usually faced at the time of feeding to horses is they unable understand how much and which type of food required for their horses. For both sports and research purpose a healthy and active horse required in which nutrition plays an important role that’s why owner have to give special attention towards this. Nutrition deficiency in horses may cause various damaging condition including growth disorder which directly impact profit of horse farming business that’s why when horses are young required some extra attention from care taker. If the horses are not in full time pasture then they required to fed in small amount throughout the day rather than a big feed all at a once. Next grooming and hoof care of horse, it also a challenging part for an owner, firstly, to know all the about equipment and procedure, need for this work. At the time of grooming care taker have to check for any injuries. It is always done before riding to avoid chafing and sores. Because sport persons are always preferred fit and fine horse for sports instead of an unfit one. Inspects horse’s feet for injury and infection and clean them out properly in a regular basis with a hoof pick to get rid of any dirt, grit and stones and always try to kept as clean and dry as possible their feet to prevent diseases is a biggest challenge for care taker. Major challenging period for a horse owner is when the horses are falling ill. Sometimes horses re affected by very infectious diseases which can affect the other animals on the farm. For good health and disease free horses, regular checkup and vaccination is required to carry out.
The authors are grateful to the journal editor and the anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments and suggestions.
The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.