Received: 01-Dec-2021 Published: 29-Dec-2021
Choosing a career is one of the most important choices students make in determining their future. This decision will have a profound effect on their lives throughout. “Work is one of our greatest blessings. Everyone must have a good job”. Student’s education will also be influenced by their parents educational background. There are a variety of environmental factors that can influence a student’s career decision. It is important to know yourself well, your personality, if you really need to make good work plans. Opportunity influences how students see their future. The issue of poverty plays an important role in the opportunities available to everyone. Students want to be treated like the adults they are expected to be, with equal opportunities, so that they can choose the best career. John Dewey’s model has five significant steps described: preflective status, intellectualization, suggestions, reasoning and hypothesis. Psychological testing, one of the ways to help a student focus on choosing a suitable career, has resulted in better employment records, as exemplified by stability, salary increase, and employer ratings throughout student work. The student should explore, think, and try other ways, rather than allowing the first opportunity available. The learner should not be satisfied with the easy opportunity that arises. In fact, continuous job evaluation may be considered a lifelong strategy. In a recent study conducted by researchers, it was found that adolescents who are motivated by a sense of well-being are driven by their own interests in certain occupations, as well as by their own well-being.
Every young person needs the opportunity for successful transition from school to further learning and career.
Schools must provide quality, integrated, culturally appropriate vocational education so that learners can realize their potential and make a positive contribution to society and the nation as a whole. Since one of the main goals of education is to prepare a person for a better life, it is very important to raise awareness about work among high school and high school students. In this critical period of career transformation one must have the experience of the job in order to choose a career.
Choosing a career is an important life-changing decision that requires you to seek practical knowledge in order to reach an informed choice. Many high schools use additional resources to improve student awareness of education. Students simply do not understand the college search process or resources available to them to research the advanced education programs and career options available. With so much counseling (the national average is only one mentor for 495 students), it is not surprising that most students are not able to navigate the path to success. Also, with 65% of students studying in rural and urban areas, the problem may be worse than we know. Most high school students know about job choices but there are still students who are unsure about their career choices or those who do not know much about it. Students must give great importance to their decision in their work.