Received: 03-Feb-2022, Manuscript No. IJLCR-22-58916; Editor assigned: 04-Feb-2022, Pre QC No. IJLCR-22-58916 (PQ); Reviewed: 18-Feb-2022, QC No. IJLCR-22-58916; Revised: 23-Feb-2022, Manuscript No. IJLCR-22-58916 (R); Published: 28-Feb-2022, DOI: 10.15651/2408-5512.22.10.044
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a phenomenon that is replacing humans in many fields. It is a sort of replication of human’s intelligence that is programmed to mimic human mind such as learning and problem solving. AI requires just a software and hardware for training and writing the machine learning algorithms. As AI’s are much accurate and perform tasks faster than the humans, these are occupying or being replaced in the present world. Artificial intelligence is now a trending technology that has an impact on humans like a reminder for meetings, providing news of our interest. They have the potential to modify the digital world through the work and other sources. As AI is continuing to transform many fields with the advancements in technology, even the legal services are experiencing in predicting the growth of AI. This trend of use of day-to-day work of lawyers brings change in the legal sector.
With the increase of population in the universe, even there will be many disputes in between the person to person or scientist to scientist or company to company or it may be any type, therefore, legal authority is required to solve the problems or for conflict resolution. In order to achieve significant output, it would be the profit making ability. An AI is a platform such that a lawyer can get the work done in seconds. Also, it can balance and provide high quality of the work with high efficient and advanced tools. Although, automation of AI is trending now, it plays an important role with benefits as well as drawbacks.
Once the AI comes into existence, Lawyers can be free from the basic tasks which eat their time like gathering of the value added data, as AI can be a supporting tool and help lawyers all better, faster and cost effective. The AI based legal solutions help the law norms and firms more precisely, thereby reducing the costs and gain profits. If AI occupies the lawyers work, AI functions according to the data that humans provide, but it fails to solve the issues like humans as they cannot think like a human instantly without any input.
Though this is a hot topic since few years within the lawyers, the implementation of AI in the law sector is fruitful in some cases and not in other perceptions. Many new solutions were technology based and this is being a helping hand to the lawyers in terms of legal research by applying software as they give authenticated, accurate data. AI based assisting tools will be helpful to the lawyers, but never be an replacement option of the lawyers as the AI systems cannot respond to the human queries from all the end. It can be believed that, AI has great scope in legal sector and few fields where AI is applicable in law sector are: Prediction technology in which AI software predicts the outcome of the cases before hand of the court’s decision, Legal analytics in which the AI provides the data that has been used by the lawyer in the past case, Document automation in which by submitting the required documents, AI sets them into required format within a fraction of seconds, Intellectual Property rights in which tools of AI provide IP portfolios such as registration of trademark, patents, copy rights etc, and E-Billing where AI software helps in producing the invoice to be sent to the clients.
None of the software being implemented under AI can be only used as the supporting tools for making work fast and effective. AI systems can never replace the lawyers as AI’s can never make decisions own and legal professional is highly driven in decision making, presenting which are not automatic or which cannot be created or cannot be incorporated into machine learning, because from client to client, the problem varies and all those cannot be coded into AI. Therefore, AI came into existence for enhancing or elevating legal sector.