Received: 02-Dec-2022, Manuscript No. GJAEB-22-84786; Editor assigned: 05-Dec-2022, Pre QC No. GJAEB-22-84786 (PQ); Reviewed: 20-Dec-2022, QC No. GJAEB-22-84786; Revised: 26-Dec-2022, Manuscript No. GJAEB-22-84786 (R); Published: 03-Jan-2023, DOI: 10.15651/GJAEB.23.10.015
Living Organisms use numerous varieties of matters which are of liquid, solid and gaseous, for their existence. Some things can be utilized for longer period, some can be used for short duration and depending upon its strength they can be either transformed into another potential material or became useless after short duration. The object which is discarded by humans or became useless or worthless is termed as waste. While the World Bank in 2012 stated that this expansion of waste needs to successfully deal with a manner that is gainful for both human and ecological wellbeing. It also acknowledged that such type of strong waste management is additionally responsible for environmental change. Worldwide 5% of ozone depletion and 12% of worldwide methane (CH4) outflows due to the landfills and huge open dumping of solid waste.
In the management of such a huge waste, Integrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM) programs were created to keep human wellbeing. ISWM is a new and systematic method for the treatment of solid waste. As per the definition prescribed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), ISWM is a complete waste reduction, collection, composting, recycling and disposal system. Waste can be managed effectively to protect human health and natural environment through an effective ISWM programme which looks at how waste can be reduced, reused, recycled. The hierarchy lists the various waste management techniques from the most favored to the least for the environment like reduction of source reuse, recycling and composting, energy recovery and treatment and disposal. The hierarchy emphasizes the reduction, reuse and recycling as essential to sustainable waste management. Most human activities are waste generating. Nevertheless, waste generation remains a major source of concern as it has always been since prememorable times. The rate and amount of waste have been increased and variety of waste has also grown as the volume of waste rises. In the pre-historic era, where waste was merely a source of a nuisance that required disposal and appropriate management of waste was not a big concern as the population was small and at that time large amount of land was also available, while without any sort of degradation.
Many of the developing nations went through a period of ecodevelopment. Today, however, most of these countries have tackled many of the health problems and environmental degradation issues associated with waste generation effectively. Concerning the rising step of urbanization and growth in developing countries is now contributing to a continuation of the same historical problems that industrialized countries have to struggle with in the past. The disposal of solid waste is at a vulnerable growth stage in India. There is a need to improve services to treat increasing volume of Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), and it is believed that more than 90 percent of India's waste is dumped unsatisfactorily.
Concerning such a huge population of people in towns and villages, this increases volume and open dumping of waste, on the other hand, these dumps are accountable for the breeding grounds for rats and other vermin which have significant public health risks. Waste can occur in different types that can be expressed in many ways. Some specific characteristics used in waste classification include physical conditions, physical properties, reusable potential, biodegradable potential, manufacturing source and environmental effect. Municipal solid waste is the most common and significant source of waste and it is also one of the most studied wastes in the world. Municipal solid waste is having several implications. Proper treatment should be given to solid waste and it need to be significantly managed as it is generated in enormous amounts.