International Journal of Adult and Non Formal Education

Commentary - International Journal of Adult and Non Formal Education ( 2021) Volume 2, Issue 3

A short review on: Adult education and non-formal education

Dimitris Tsipianitis*
1Electrical & Computer Engineering Department, University of Patras, Greece
*Corresponding Author:
Dimitris Tsipianitis, Electrical & Computer Engineering Department, University of Patras, Greece, Email:

Received: 10-Jun-2021 Published: 01-Jul-2021


Learning is a life-long process that has no end which gives an opportunity to learn from every possible way. It might be a process of guidance from the elders such as during childhood, we start learning from our parents and as we grow up, we start learning by going to the schools, colleges etc. Learning is a sort of creativity, because we have the power to learn by seeing, listening, practicing which mainly plays a key role in case of the highly-challenged ones. This group of children or people, depending on their disability, they start learning and grab the information. In technical terminology, the process of learning to enhance one’s ability to improve their knowledge is called as education. As we known, knowledge can be gained in some way whereas education is a process that happens in time-bound manner that happens under a particular rules and regulations. Education is only meant to erase illiteracy, but also to illuminate one’s mindset to get aware. In regard of education, child education is different from adult education. Child education is a phenomenon in which, certain strategies are used as the tools for improving the child’s knowledge. In general, the age-factor for child education will be in between from birth till the age of 8-10 years old. Adult education is something that comes right after the child education, which helps the child to understand or get awareness of the things that are going around, their responsibilities and even go for apprentice to enhance their skills in particular background that would be useful for their career etc. The age limit for learning starts from around 14-15 years till the age where he or she wanted to learn.


Education is of two forms;

• Formal education and

• Non-formal education

Formal Education

A child is educated under the educational institution within a time being, where he or she gets awareness on how to behave i.e., education on behavioral note such as moral sciences as a subject in their academic curriculum.

Non -formal education: Here, one can learn out of the institution (schools/colleges) i.e., a learning process being organized based on a provision. It has no time limit or no time framing like that of the child education.

There must be some factors to let the adult education to play a key role, they include;

• One should have an encouraging environment to study.

• One must have a motivation to get trained in a skill.

• One must have the readiness to learn irrespective of age, gender etc.


Adult education will bring a lot of changes in one who understands its importance. Because, it not only implies the process of getting aware of, but also to improvises one’s technical and professional qualifications which will be a stair case for them to turn them into new directions with balanced, planned and independent individual as adult education includes practical emergence. With the evolution of technology, getting trained i.e., adult education builds a great career also helps to retrain to elevate their skills and build bright future