Received: 01-Aug-2022, Manuscript No. GJPHE-22-72347; Editor assigned: 03-Aug-2022, Pre QC No. GJPHE-22-72347 (PQ); Reviewed: 17-Aug-2022, QC No. GJPHE-22-72347; Revised: 24-Aug-2022, Manuscript No. GJPHE-22-72347 (R); Published: 05-Sep-2022, DOI: 10.15651/2465-7557.22.10.221
Physical health has been described as the absence of disease or severe illness. However, modern medicine has changed this point of view in recent years. The World Health Organization (WHO) has expanded the scope of health that includes environments other than disease and sickness. The WHO now described as a patient's overall health, which includes physical, mental, and social wellbeing. These elements are strongly connected and the health of an individual people encompasses all of them.
Physical health is described as the condition of your body, taking into consideration everything from the absence of disease to fitness level. Mental and physical health is closely connected. Poor mental health improves a person's risk of developing chronic physical conditions. Moreover, chronic physical requirements have been linked to a higher risk of poor mental health. This relation is never reduced to physical and mental health. Physical health is interconnected with all other health-related factors. When a person's physical health declines, it frequently causes a decline in other areas. For example, if a person is fighting a major disease, their social health can sometimes suffer. The person will sometimes avoid others due to infectiousness or simply a lack of a desire to be surrounded by others. Sadness, in turn, can lead to a decline in mental and emotional well-being.
Factors Effecting Physical Health
Physical health is important for overall well-being and It is effected by lifestyle, Human biology, Environment, Healthcare, Physical Health.
Lifestyle: Diet, levels of physical activity, and behavior for example, smoking are all examples of lifestyle.
Human biology: A person's genetic factors and physiology may create excellent physical health either easier or more difficult to achieve.
Environment: The environment refers to our surroundings and our awareness to elements such as sunlight and harmful chemicals.
Healthcare: Good healthcare can help to prevent illness as well as identify and treat disease examples of physical health.
Physical health: Physical health's interconnection with the other components of well-being illustrates its importance.
Different Types of Physical Health Activities
Cardiovascular activities: Activities that require moving the strong muscles of the internal bodies. Aerobic health activities include walking, running, swimming, and cycling. Physical activity helps to improve the function of the cardiovascular system and it can reduce the risk of the several chronic diseases including heart disease and type-2 diabetes.
Muscle-strengthening activities: All of those are activities that usually involve resistance or weight training. They necessarily require the body to work against force applied or weight. Muscle-strengthening activities involve pushups, sit - ups, squats, and weight training. These activities help to the maintenance or development and improvement of strength and muscle mass.
Bone-strengthening activities: Activities that apply strength to the bones, mostly by causing an impact with the surface are known as bone-strengthening activities. Bone-strengthening health activities include running, walking, and jumping rope. These activities help in strengthen the bones.
Stretching activities: Activities that strengthening and movement. Yoga and muscle - strengthening exercises are examples of this stretching activities.
Characteristics of Physical Health
Epidemiologic a physically healthy person contains a number of essential characteristics in his or her daily existence.
Healthy lifestyle: This individual's lifestyle promotes behavior and healthcare. A physically healthy person will implement everyday activities into their life rather than being physically active.
A healthy diet: It is a physically healthy person requires this diet is high in fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and the whole grains. It is a limited, low-saturated-fat diet.
Physical activity: It is essential for maintaining good physical health. A physically healthy person will include a wide range of regular physical activities in their daily schedule.
Regular health testing’s: A physically healthy person will practice prevention methods such as health and wellbeing tests and medical checks on a daily basis.
Good Sleep: Sleep is an essential part of a healthy person's life. Workouts and getting sufficient sleep at night result in improved physical health.