International Journal of Adult and Non Formal Education

Editorial - International Journal of Adult and Non Formal Education ( 2021) Volume 0, Issue 0

A brief note on Adult Education

William Edwards*
Department of Education, Universirty of Cape Coast, West Africa
*Corresponding Author:
William Edwards, Department of Education, Universirty of Cape Coast, West Africa, Email:

Received: 01-Dec-2021 Published: 22-Dec-2021

Adult education, unlike children’s education, is a practice in which adults engage in formal and continuous learning activities to acquire new knowledge, skills, attitudes, or values. It can mean any form of adult learning that they engage in beyond traditional education, which includes literacy based on personal fulfillment as a lifelong learner and ensuring personal fulfillment. In particular, adult education reflects a certain philosophy of learning and teaching based on the assumption that adults can and do learn, that they are capable and willing to take on the responsibility of learning, and that personal learning should meet their needs.

Teaching adults is different from teaching children in a few ways when it comes to adults accumulating knowledge and work knowledge that can add to the learning experience. Most adult education is voluntary, and therefore participants are often self-motivated, unless an employer is required to participate. The practice of adult education is called andragogy to distinguish it from the general school-based education of children - pedagogy. Unlike children, adults are viewed as leading rather than dependent on others for help. Older people are mature and therefore have knowledge and experience in life that gives them a basis for learning. An adult’s readiness to learn is linked to his or her need for knowledge. Their attitude toward learning is more focused on problems than on learning. Their motivation for learning is internal. Adult education, also called further education, is any form of education provided or provided by mature men and women.

Adults often use their knowledge in a practical way to learn effectively. They should have reasonable expectations that the information they receive will help them to advance their goals. Adult education and education is an integral part of the right to a lifelong learning and education system, and includes ‘all forms of education and learning that aim to ensure that all adults participate in their communities and the world of work. It refers to the whole body of learning processes, formal, informal and informal, in which those who are considered adults in the community in which they live, develop and enrich their life and work skills, both in their own interests and those of their communities. The purpose of adult education in a college or university manner is different. In these institutions, the goal is usually related to personal growth and development as well as job preparation. Career-focused adult education is often referred to as staff development. Another goal may be to not only stabilize democratic societies, but also to challenge and improve their social structure. A common problem in adult education in the US is the lack of professional development opportunities for older teachers. Most adult teachers are from other fields and are not well trained to deal with adult learning issues. Most of the positions available in the sector are only temporary with no benefits or stability as they are usually funded by grants that may last only a few years.


The author has no area of interest.

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