Tsedey Azeze, Zelalem Yilma, Ajebu Nurfeta and Haile Welearegay
The aim of this study was to understand the utilization of goat milk, its chemical and microbial qualities in selected kebele's representing arid (kolla) and semi arid (Woyina Dega) type of agro-ecologies. There are cultural taboos in the consumption of goat milk in certain societies. The small amount of goat milk utilization by family members could be a reflection of the low milk yield/doe/day in Woyina-Dega (0.29) and Kolla (0.31). About 88% of goat keeping households in Woyina-Dega and 74.1% in kolla provide goat milk primarily for children. The households provide goat milk for their family for several reasons such as part of the normal diet/meal; its reputed medicinal value; it strengthens their children; cures fast bone fractures; and provides resistance to illnesses when consumed by sick individuals. About 84% in woyina dega and 67% in kolla add water to goat milk with the intention of increasing the quantity and softening goat’s milk typical strong taste and odor. The samples were aseptically collected in two rounds from local milking does. Average aerobic mesophilic bacterial count, and coliform were 9.7 and 4.89 log10 cfu mL-1 , respectively. The overall value of total solid, fat, protein, lactose, ash and moisture content of the collected samples were 13.57, 4.91, 3.48, 4.84, 0.40 and 86.42%, respectively. There was no significant variation observed in microbial count and gross chemical composition of local goat milk samples taken from the two agro-ecologies. Information on the utilization, microbial and chemical properties of goat milk is essential to make further improvement interventions.
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