Olorunniyi O.F and O.A Morenikeji
A survey to examine the extent of use of plants (herbal medicine) in the management of malaria was carried out in Ido/Osi Local Government Area (LGA) of Ekiti State, Nigeria. Pretested and structured questionnaires were administered to assess the knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of the people in the management of malaria with herbal medicines. Results showed that only 67.6% attributed the cause of malaria to mosquito bites and 88.1% identified malaria’s symptoms. Majority of the respondents (74.3%) use herbal medicine to treat malaria while 66.0% use modern medicine. Only 34.2% of the respondents among those who use both herbal and modern medicines combine the medicines at a time to treat malaria. Up to thirty-nine plants were mentioned to be used in herbal anti-malarial recipes in the area. As the number of respondents (67.6%) who knew the cause of malaria is not appreciable enough, there is need for more enlightenment programmes in the area. Since the respondents claimed that the plants they use cure malaria is an indication that some of these plants could possess antimalarial properties.
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