Survey on determinants of improved forage adaptation in Lemo districts of Hadiya zone, Ethiopia


Sefa Salo*

This study was conducted to determine the problem in the way of adaptation of improved forage practices in Lemo districts of Hadiya zone, Ethiopia. The questionnaire was used to collect the data from 20 households of five kebeles. Natural pasture (94%) was the main feed resource during wet season whereas crop residue (59%) in the dry season. Only 37% of respondents replied that there was communal grazing land in their area. Feed shortage (50%), water shortage (25%), animal disease (15%), the low genetic potential of animal (7%) and extension services (3%) were the major problem in the study area. The major forage species widely planted in the study area were desho grass, elephant grass and Guatemala grass. Among multi purpose trees planting sesbania was common in the study area. The major determinants for improved forage cultivation were a shortage of land (45%), shortage of forage seed (25%), lack of awareness (16%) and poor extension services (14%). Therefore, the integration of improved forage with crops production and soil and water conservation structure is the best opportunity for increasing adaptation of this technology. Increasing accessibility of forage seed for the farmer and creating awareness is also another way to achieve widespread adapting of improved forage technologies.


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