
Dr KOUAKOU Kouakou Paul-Alfred

This study aims at assessing the zootechnical performance and economic importance of rabbit farming in the District of Korhogo. The methodology used consisted of a first step in monitoring rabbit farms on a daily basis to estimate reproduction and growth parameters and in a second step in evaluating financial and economic indicators using the budgeting model. From the results, it is concluded that rabbits, in general, are characterized by an interesting fertility rate, receptivity and prolificity. Birth prolificity is 13 rabbits with a low mortality rate of 8.39%. With regard to financial and economic performance, the results show an average net profit margin of 1, 089,672 CFA francs per year for a farm consisting of 20 females and 5 males. The return on invested capital is estimated at 43%, a value well above the return on financial markets in Cote d'Ivoire. In addition, an investment of 100 CFA francs in rabbit production generates a more than proportional income of 154 CFA francs. The analysis of this wealth created shows that the share of other actors in the sector is 57% of production (turnover). Therefore, rabbit farming could be an important source of income and an alternative to poverty alleviation in the locality of Korhogo.

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