Proximate composition and amino acid profiles of snakehead (Parachanna obscura) mudfish (Clarias gariepinus) and African pike (Hepsetus odoe) in Igboho dam, South�West Nigeria


Siyanbola Mojisola Funmilayo

This study was conducted to determine the proximate composition and amino acid profile of some selected commercially important fish species in Igboho Dam, South West Nigeria. Three fish species; snakehead (Parachanna obscura), mudfish (Clarias gariepinus) and African pike. (Hepsetus odoe) were purchased from the landings of local fisherman and analysed for their proximate composition and amino acid profile. The data analysis of the proximate composition revealed that Parachanna obscura has the highest crude protein content (20.77 + 0.08) and the highest crude fat (1.81 + 0.02). However, the highest moisture was recorded in Clarias gariepinus (76.85 + 0.01). The order of crude protein in the three fish species studied was; Parachanna obscura > Hepsetus odoe > Clarias gariepinus. The amino acid profile also revealed that fish species contain all the essential amino acid needed for growth. The highest amount of essential amino acid was recorded in Hepsetus odoe (9.90 + 0.24). There is no significant difference among the fish species in respect of the proximate composition and the amino acid profile. The study clearly indicated that proximate composition values obtained would be useful in helping consumers in choosing fish based on their nutritional values and will also provide an update to food composition database.


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