Gezu Tadesse, Haftu Kebede and SefaSalo
The study was conducted in Hosanna district (purposively selected), Hadya Zone of the Southern Natation Nationalities and People(SNNP) regional state with the objective of assessing milk production, processing and constraints in urban and pri-urban of Hosanna district. To compromise the representative-ness of the sample population in each of the sample kebeles 15% of the households were taken among who have dairy cattle, and participants was selected using random sampling method for interview and successive data collection. Stratified random sampling methods were used to identify target dairy farms, andmeans, percentage and frequency procedures of statistical package for social scientists (SPSS 20) were used to analyze the data collected through the survey.The major feed resource in urban were agro-industrial products (35.2%), crop residues (29.5%) and conserved feed (24.7%). Whereas in peri-urban farms respondent’s response showed the major feed resource for dairy cattle in order were grazing (36.3%) crop residues (28.2%), conserved feed (19.0%), and agro-industrial products (13.3).Majority of respondent’sresponse, the major problem of dairy cattle production in urban farms and peri-urban farms was feed shortage for low productivity yield and low milk of dairy cows. But 87.1% and 62.7% respondents practice supplement their cattle to alleviate the feed scarcity in urban and peri-urban, respectively. The mean (± SD) daily milk yield of local cows in urban and peri-urban farms were 2.15 ± 0.29 and 1.73 ± 0.49 liters, respectively, while daily milk yield of cross bred cows in the urban and peri-urban were 7.10±1.62 and 6.35±1.15 liters, respectively. The overall mean lactation length of local and crossbred cows were 7.76±1.46 and 10.03±1.47 months in urban and peri-urban, respectively.
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