Planning, implementing and cost calculation for ERP deployment at mindstorm consultancy (ERP Conceptual model)


Aftab Aslam

There exist many effort prediction systems but none specifically devised for ERP project, and the empirical evidence is neither convincing nor adequate from a human user perspective. Software cost estimation is considered as one of the complex and time consuming challenge. Software application development companies are always looking forward for the design and development of the unified model which can be utilized for the software cost calculation. Still the research is in process and most of the software development companies have to rely on different models for their software cost estimation. In this paper, we have presented conceptual cost framework for cost estimation in enterprise resource planning projects. The conceptual framework has been simulated on the real time case study of Mindstorm Consultancy. The proposed model in this paper is the extension of the Cocomo-II or in simple the Cocomo-II and its drivers can be consider as the base for the formulation of the conceptual mode. The model has the capacity to perform multi cost calculation for provide more efficient and effective results. The paper concludes by providing a framework of the key issues involved in the Risk and Feasibility for the Planning, Implementing and Cost Calculation for ERP Deployment at Mindstorm Consultancy.

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