Amani Hammad Tukulia and Mona Ibrahim Mohamed Almahy*
Background: This study was carried out in 2019. Eleven specimens of Spiny lobster Panuliruspenicillatuswere sampled from Port Sudan local fish market. Total body weight and edible part (muscles) weight were taken using digital balance. The percentage of edible to non edible parts, varied in range from 18.7% to 26.9%, with an average of 21.65%. The percent- age of females was 63.6%, and males was 36.4%.The average carapace length of samples was 8.15 cm, and average total body weight 470.18 g, and average edible part weight was 95.85 g. Total body weight edible part weight relationship showed strong relationship through logarithmic equation, where R2=0.9411. The carapace length edible part weight rela- tionships showed high relationship through logarithmic equation, where R2=0.9166.
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