Jaqueline Cazado Felix, Tiago Roque Benetoli da Silva, Rafaela Alenbranth Migliavacca, Flávia Rogério, Juciléia Irian dos Santos, Antonio Nolla and Deonir Secco
Maize (ZEA MAYS L.) is a very important cultivation for Brazilian agriculture and throughout the years it has been enlarged in the country. It is cultivated in two seasons, the summer plantation and the wintermaize which happens after the soy harvesting. Brazil is one of the biggest maize producers and in order to increase this production it is necessary to use certain practices such as nitrogen manuring, which can be realized with low release fertilizer, namely Sulfammo®. This work was realized in the vegetation house located in the State University of Maringá – Umuarama Campus, through which the objective was to evaluate the maize plants’ development with different doses of the product. The treatment obtained the following amounts: 0, 50, 100, 150 and 200 mg dm - ³. The statistical variability includes the plant’s high, the culm’s diameter, the chlorophyll content, the plant’s color and the dry matter. It was observed that the increasing doses of nitrogen did not influence the maize plants.
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