Damitie Kebede1 and I Komlosi
Linear Body measurements allow detection of change that occur in the herd or breed earlier than they may be detected visually. A body measurement therefore quantifies change in animal performance over the time. A study was conducted in Hungary with the objective to assess the relationship between linear body measurements and body condition scores of Hungarian Simmental cows by taking data from Simmental cattle breed farm association. Five linear body measurements and ten body condition scores were taken. The evaluation included 258 cows of body measurements and body condition scores. Linear body measurements and body condition scores were taken the period from 2010 to 2012. SAS 9.1 statistics programme and Excel XP programmes were used for data analysis. The mean values of hip height, hip length, hip width and body length were 140.45cm, 53.19cm, 54.85cm and 82.70cm. Birth year significantly affected HL, HW, BL, BD and UD (P<0.001) and UN (P<0.05). Birth month significantly influenced HL and BD (P<0.05). The correlations between linear body measurements and body condition scores of Hungarian Simmental cows were positive and negative.
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