Interest of spiramycin in the treatment of toxoplasmosis in Dakar


Amadou Ndiaye1*, Omar Samba1, Ngor Faye3, Daouda Ndiaye4, Niama

Toxoplasmosis is an anthropozoonosis of medical and veterinary importance, due to the protozoan Toxoplasma gondii. Oocysts shed by felids play a key role in parasite transmission as they contaminate meat-producing animals, vegetables and water consumed later by humans. This study tried to study the effectiveness of spiramycin in the treatment of toxoplasmosis in the laboratory of the Abass NDAO Hospital’s (CHAN) in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-positive women (82 cases) using the enzyme immunoassay method solid phase (EIA). It reveals a negativity of IgM antibodies and progressive regression of IgG antibodies more visible in three women as high (between 50 and 100 International Units (IU)/ml) and in three other unreliable in the first immunoglobin M (IgM) serology by a seroconversion at the second serology with a stabilization of immunoglobin (IgG) 10 IU/ml. The effectiveness of current treatment has been demonstrated by low return rate IgG antibodies to 10 IU/ml in those who received 3 million IU of Rovamycin at a dose of 2 tablets for day to one month. These first results need to be followed by more extensive investigations.


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