
Edwin Porras*

This study examined the level of teacher empowerment dimensions in private sectarian, private nonsectarian and public schools.It also sought to determine the relationship between teacher empowerment and student achievement. Respondents were the basic education teachers of private sectarian, private non- sectarian and public schools in one of the school divisions in Metro Manila, Philippines. Result from the survey showed that there was a statistically significant difference between the status of private non-sectarian schools and public schools in terms of having opportunities for professional career growth, teacher status, self-efficacy, autonomy, and teacher impact. Another finding of this paper showed that a higher score in teacher empowerment resulted to a higher student achievement among sixth grade students, yet conversely true among the fourth year level students. With these findings, it is recommended that school administrators, policy makers and school teachers evaluate the level of teacher empowerment in schools so that necessary programs and improvements could be implemented for student achievement


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