Bekele Aysheshim, Fekadu Beyene and Mitiku Eshetu
The study was conducted in Dangila district, Awi Zone of the Amhara regional state with the following objectives: to assess the existing urban and peri urban dairy production, milk handling, milk processing practices and marketing systems; to determine the microbial quality and chemical composition of raw milk in the urban and peri urban of Dangila district. A total of 90 Dairy farms (45 urban and 45 peri-urban) were purposively selected and considered for survey study. Dairy farm owners were interviewed using a pre tested semi-structured questionnaire. Both quantitative and qualitative data collected during the survey were analysed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The local or indigenous breeds in the study area are fogera breeds and unidentified indigenous zebu breeds while the cross breeds are unidentified local breed X Holstein Friesian breeds with different blood level. Butter making, Butter preservation, ghee making, ripened soft cheese making, blended soft cheese making were traditional dairy processing practices observed in the study area. Marketing channels or sale outlets in both urban and peri-urban areas for milk and milk products were individuals, hotels and cafeteria, and cooperatives. This study shows that shortage of feed was the most important factor responsible for low milk yield and productivity of dairy cattle in both urban and peri-urban areas. Therefore, further work is needed to improve feed resources available to alleviate feed shortage in the study area.
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