Fasanmi O.G, Oladele-Bukola M.O, Balogun F.A, Olona J.F and Okuneye O.J
The effects of Aromabiotic® and Neobacin® were evaluated and compared on the performance characteristics, haematology and serum biochemistry of finisher broilers. 180 Marshal broilers at 4weeks were allotted into 5 treatments; T1 (control), T2 (60g aromabiotic/20kg feed), T3 (120g aromabiotic/20kg feed), T4 (4g neobacin/20kg feed) and T5 (8g neobacin/20kg feed), each was replicated thrice, with each replicate having 12 birds. The feeding trial was for 4 weeks. The final weight for T2 (1.52kg) and T3 (1.45kg) are not significantly (P>0.05) different from those of T4 (1.40kg) and T5 (1.49kg), but they are all significantly (P0.05) different from one another, but are all significantly (P0.05) different from one another but are significantly lower than T4 and T5 which have antibiotic growth promoter. There are no significant (P>0.05) differences among the other parameters of performance characteristics (feed Intake), haematological (RBC, WBC, [Hb], and MCV) and serum biochemical (TP. ALB, GLOB, GGT, Uric acid and cholesterol) across the treat
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