Financial Tecnology, Between Education and Regulation


Wahyudin Maguni* and Rusdin Muhalling

The presence of Financial Technology makes changes in the financial services sector, from before face to face, now through electronic devices, in seconds, "The purpose of this paper is to follow the developments that occur in financial technology, both in terms of viewing and analyzing the phenomena of Financial Technology so that Financial Technology can supervise economic revolution so that it can support the development of financial services industry going forward and continue to guarantee consumer protection in the country. The presence of Financial Technology is an opportunity to continue to improve the development of the financial services sector, including encouraging financial inclusion programs. Discussing the above theme as well as being an important learning to be known more broadly. The results of this paper are that it has seen related institutions such as the FSA for Development & Regulations of Fintech in Indonesia as a for the following: 1) Launching Financial Technology Innovation as a center for developing financial technology innovation and becoming a one-stop contact for Financial Technology to connect and collaborate with various institutions and institutions that support the national digital financial ecosystem. 2). OJK prepares a CA (certificate authority) in the financial services sector as a continuation. 3). Financial technology has a legal basis for attracting investment, efficiency, protecting the interests of consumers, and growing sustainably 4). The application of data and information security standards in the management of Financial Technology will be reviewed together with the needs of the Information Security Reporting Center in the financial services industry 5).


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