Evaluation of anxiolytic and novelty induced behaviours following bee-honey consumption in rats


O. A. Oyekunle1 *, M. A. Akanmu2 and T. P. Ogundeji1

Bee honey has been shown to have many trace elements. Antibacterial and antioxidant properties of bee honey have been reported and employed for therapeutic purposes. The present work evaluates the anxiolytic values and effect on novelty induced behaviours of bee honey consumption. Wistar rats of either sex were given different concentrations of bee honey (10, 20 and 40%) at the dose of 0.5 ml/100 g p.o. The control rats were allowed access to distilled water ad lib. Anxiolytic value was accessed in the Hole Board test while novelty induced behaviours were accessed in the Open-Field test. The result showed a significant dose dependent increase in exploratory activities of the experimental animals in the test groups when compared with the control (P<0.05) in the hole board test. In novelty induced behaviour tests, bee honey also produced a significant dose dependent increase in locomotor, rearing and grooming activities with the 40% concentration producing the highest level of significance when compared with the control (P<0.01). The results suggest that bee honey consumption mitigates anxiety and exerts excitatory effect on the central nervous system especially at the highest non-sedative dose.


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