Opharuomaghua Gabriel Ovo
This study was conducted to determine and compare the suitability and efficiency of wood wastes (sawdust and wood shavings) as alternative energy sources to fuel wood in fish smoking with a view to enhancing optimal utilization of the wood resource. Fish samples collected were smoked with fuel wood, sawdust and wood shavings using Kainji portable smoking kiln. Proximate compositions of the samples were determined and the results subjected to statistical analysis using One-way Analysis of variance (ANOVA). Except their moisture contents, the samples were not significantly different (p>0.05) in crude protein lipid and ash contents. The samples were also not significantly different (p>0.05) in their sensory properties. However, the Specific Fuel Consumption (SFC) recorded were 7.40, 17.14 and 8.57 kg/kg of fresh fish smoked with fuel wood, sawdust and wood shavings at the costs of �284.49k, (1.43 USD) �145.57k (0.73 USD) and �67.31k (0.34 USD), respectively. The time spent to smoke 1 kg of fish with the various wood materials gave the following results: fuel wood 242 min, sawdust 960 min and wood shaving 363 min. It was therefore, concluded that both wood shavings and sawdust could efficiently be used as alternatives to fuel wood in fish smoking. Although a better result was obtained with wood shavings in terms of higher combustion rate and smoking duration. Nevertheless, the recommendation focused on the need to consider the alternative in sawdust and wood shavings in smoking fish so as to optimize the utilization of the wood resource reduces energy scarcity and promote environmental friendly practice in waste management.
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