Xiang Wen Cheng
In this study, the effects of supercritical CO2 extraction and macroporous adsorben t resin on separation and purifi ation of a pigenin were compare d. A better separation and purification macroporous adsorbent resin was s elected acco rding to static adsorpti on and deso rption results. Silica ge l column chromatogr aphy and LSA-10 macroporous a dsorbent re sin performed better in the separa tion and purification procedure. The purity of apigenin could reach 92.8% after separation and purifica tion. The optimal su percritical CO2 extraction conditions of apigenin from Viola yedoensis makino are solid to liquid ratio : 5:3, extraction pressure: 20 MPa, extraction temperature: 55°C, e xtraction time: 2 h, separation vessel tem perature: 55°C, pressu re: 9 Mpa, extraction vessel tem perature: 4 0°C and pressureï¼Â?5 MPa. Sup ercritical CO2 extraction had a grea t effect on t he separatio n and purif ication of apigenin f rom V. yedoensis mak ino; the p urity could reach 97.6%. Assaying apigenin by high performanc e liquid chromatograp hy (HPLC) s howed that the sampl e volume and peak ar ea of the response have a good linear relati onship, r = 0 .9996, betw een 1.58 to 15.80. The results indicated that the proced ure of separation and purification of apigenin from V. yedoensis by supercritical CO2 extraction, which is better than that of macroporous adsorbent resin, is suitable f or the separation and purification of high purity apigenin.
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