Agiriga Anna Ngozi
The use of whole wheat and white wheat flour blends in the production of functional breads was studied. Whole wheat flour was blended with white wheat flour at 10, 20, 30 and 40% substitution level while the 100% white wheat bread served as control. The proximate composition of the various flour blendsused for the preparation of the breads was determined using standard methods. The bread loaves were produced using the straight-dough procedure and were subsequently evaluated for their weight, loaf volume, specific volume and sensory attributes. Proximate analyses results showed an increase in the range of 1.86% for moisture, 1.43% for ash, 3.28% for protein, 1.92% for fat, 2.49% for crude fibre and a decrease in carbohydrates by 10.98% with increasing levels of whole wheat flour in the blends. There was also a decrease in bread volume, specific volume and an increase in weight by 216.31cm3 , 1.35g/cm3 and 35.54g respectively, with progressive inclusion of the whole wheat flour. The sensory analysis results showed that replacement of white wheat flour with whole wheat flour up to 20% of substitution level produced acceptable bread which was comparable with the control in terms of the overall acceptability of the bread.
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