Metin DAGTEKðN, H. Huseyin OZTURK
In this study, the effects of various litter materials on the concentration of ammonia in the broiler poultry houses which have evaporation cooling (fan and pad) systems in around Adana province were determined. In the research, wood shavings were used as litter material which is widely used in the region. 4 kg of zeolite and 4 kg of basalt based two different materials were mixed to the 1 m2 of floor space to the litter. In the research, ammonia gas concentration in the control department was found 1-6 ppm, 2-5 ppm in zeolite mixed department and 2-6 ppm in basalt mixed department in summer. In winter, these values changed as 9-12 ppm, 5-8 ppm and 4-6 ppm, respectively. In the research, it was determined that basalt material showed similar properties with the zeolite material. It is been determined that basalt, which is abundant and economical in the region, can be an alternative to the zeolite in the treatment of the litter material in poultry houses.
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