Detection of Campylobacter jejuni from food and its epidemiology


Angesom Hadush1,2* and Mahendra Pal1

Food borne campylobacteriosis is distributed all over the world. Large outbreaks have been associated with consuming raw or inadequately pasteurized milk and contaminated water. Campylobacter jejuni is not an environmental organism rather zoonotic organism. It habituates intestinal tract of a wide range of warm blooded animals. The principal route by which C. jejuni contaminates the food is through fecal contamination by C. jejuni infected carriers. Raw meats and poultry become contaminated during processing when intestinal contents contact the meat surfaces. C. jejuni is one of the most common causes of bacterial diarrhoeal disease worldwide. As an alternative to growth on agar, there are a variety of technologies which may provide rapid diagnostic results such as immunoassay methods; molecular methods such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR)/nucleic acid techniques which reduce the time to result such as concentration using cell separation. Campylobacter impedes the public health problem and incurs severe economic losses in industries processing food of animal origin. Reinforcing hygienic practices at each link in the food chain from producer to consumers is critical in preventing the disease.


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