Curriculum materials used in Tanzanian adult and nonformal education programmes: the question of relevancy and availability in Complementary Basic Education in Tanzania (COBET) and Integrated Community Based Adult Education (ICBAE)


Tulia Michael*, Laurent Ndijuye, Abdon Ephrem

Since 1961 independence, Tanzania has implemented several adult education programmes to reduce illiteracy rate in the country. By 1986, the literacy rate rose from 25% of 1961 to 90.4%. However, the 2012 population and housing census and national adult literacy survey of 2014 indicated illiteracy rate to be around 26%. This squat brings some questions on the relevancy and availability of curriculum materials used in adult and non-formal education programmes. This study was, therefore, conducted to assess the availability and relevance of the materials used in adult and non-formal education. It was conducted in four districts of Tanzania, namely Mbogwe, Biharamulo, Rorya and Kwimba whereby a total of 440 participants were involved. Data were collected through questionnaire, interviews and focused group discussions. The analysis of the data generated revealed a diminishing interest and investment on adult and non-formal education. integrated community based adult education centres used primary school literacy books and books from technical colleges which are not relevant to Complementary Basic Education in Tanzania (COBET) and Integrated Community Based Adult Education (ICBAE) learners. Furthermore, 76.4% of COBET facilitators reported a shortage of curricular materials whereas 100% of districts education leaders indicated a lack of ICBAE curricular materials. A clear distinction between formal and non-formal practices is, therefore, recommended to establish action plans for implementers. Besides, qualifications of facilitators particularly in ICBAE programme ought to be strengthened for the relevancy of the curriculum implementation.


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