Marco Monti
The approach to intimate feminine hygiene in the menopause needs to take into account the pathophysiological aspects associated with this period in a woman's life. During menopause, oestrogen deficiency due to exhaustion of oestrogen production by the ovaries leads to reduced thickness, elasticity and lubrication of the vaginal mucosa that becomes more easily vulnerable to irritants and infections. The main clinical features of vaginal dystrophy typically seen in menopause, but even after antibiotic therapy, in postpartum period or with the use of oral contraception, are vaginal dryness, pruritus, burning, dyspareunia and increased vaginal pH. In these conditions, daily washing requires care in the choice of the most appropriate substances. Chamomilla recutita extract has antiinflammatory, soothing and mildly antimicrobial properties, which are suitable for the physiological conditions in the genital region during menopause. The aim of the study was to evaluate the clinical effects and safety of a detergent containing chamomile in the menopause. Clinical data were collected on the daily intimate cleanser containing chamomile extract (Saugella Poligyn – SP), once or twice daily for four weeks, in menopausal women. After 4 weeks of treatment, the clinical data showed a significant reduction in genital signs and symptoms (itching, burning, vaginal dryness, dyspareunia and vaginal pH), and improvement in the quality of sexual activity. SP is the best detergent for menopausal women who have vulvovaginal dystrophy. It significantly reduces genital symptoms, which are a risk factor for local infections, improves the quality of daily life and is clinically safe for daily use.
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