Case study of power quality survey in wind farms


A D Thirumoorthy

Wind power generation is increasing rapidly in India and wind integration with the grid is considered as a promising source of energy, Double Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) being the most commonly used wind turbine generator, when integrated with the grid show challenges during grid faults. This paper focuses on the challenges faced by DFIG during the occurrence of voltage sags and the Low Voltage Ride through (LVRT) methods to overcome it. The crowbar protection method is used to ride through voltage sags and FACTS device STATCOM is used to quickly sense the voltage sag and overcome it. Furthermore, simulation has done using MATLAB/SIMULINK; analysis of the performance of combined crowbar protection and STATCOM on DFIG during voltage sags. The results show that crowbar protection method is a reliable method to ride through the fault and STATCOM helps to sense and overcome voltage sags quickly. Moreover, the grid code requirements are met, the utilisation of renewable energy resources like the wind, solar, biomass, etc., are increasing to meet the energy demand and to have sustainable growth. In sustainable energy system, energy conservation and the use of renewable energy resource are the key paradigm. The need to integrate the renewable energy like wind energy into the power system is to reduce the environment impact produced due to the conventional plant and to meet the required energy demands. However, the integration of wind energy into the existing power system presents technical challenges like voltage regulation, stability, power quality problems. The issue of power quality is of great importance to wind turbine. Thus, power system operators have created grid codes which determine how WT’s should operate during grid disturbances.


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