Blood pressure profile and glycemic figures of obese people in the common of tchamba


Djagadou Edeka, Mohaman AU

Investigate the profile of blood pressure and blood sugar figures of obese people in the municipality of Tchamba. We conducted a cross-study examining the obese population Tchamba Municipality during the period 20 October to 20 December 2011. Female has characterized our sample with a sex ratio F/H equal to 2.46. The age range of 46 to 60 years was the most represented (35%).Considering the BMI, obesity was mild in 50% of subjects; average at 34.44% and severe in 15.55% of the subjects. Considering the WC / HC ratio, obesity was observed android kind in 30% of our subjects, gynecoid kind in 38.88% and mixed in 31.11% in subjects of our study. The association with HBP and diabetes has been observed among our subjects and 58.88% of persons had presented figures fasting glycemic located within the normal range and the other 41.11% had high numbers. This study observed a trend to elevation of blood pressure and blood sugar with obesity. Indeed, progressive parallelism was noted between obesity and blood pressure first, and secondly, between the glycemic figures and obesity.

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