Igbeka, J. U. and Okoroma, F. N.*
This study is focused on the awareness and practicability of Librarianship ethics amongst librarians. Survey questionnaire was designed to identify the degree of awareness of librarianship ethics amongst librarians in Nigeria, whether the ethics are feasible and being utilized by librarians in their day to day library management, and to find out measures towards enhancing the awareness and practicability of the ethics. The study found that the awareness of the ethical values is quite low, the degree of practicability of many of the ethical codes is very questionable and that there has not been any case of confrontation and sanction in connection to the violation of the ethical values. The study further noted that to ensure the practicability and thorough awareness of librarianship ethics calls for setting up of an implementation committee to handle ethical issues, proper and regular monitoring of librarians on duty by the professional body and libraries’ sectional heads, enlightenment and awareness programs through workshops, seminars, conferences, and a review and articulation of the ethical codes in measurable behavioral statements coupled with appropriate sanctions for the defaulters.
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