Mengistie Mossie
The study was conducted with the aim of analyzing the extent and level of women farmers’ participation in performing agricultural activities in Sar Midir district, Ethiopia. A random sampling method was used to select sample respondents. Pre-tested structured interview schedule was used to collect the data. The study employed both quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative data were analyzed and interpreted by using descriptive statistics such as mean, percentage, and frequencies in order to draw important conclusions and generalizations. The qualitative data were also analyzed and described by using qualitative methods such as narration, and generalizations. The study also employed inferential statistical analysis methods. Based on the output of this study, the participation levels of women were identified. From the survey result, it was recognized that; there was a variation in the extent of participation of women in agricultural activities in the study area. Again the results of the study showed that 27.1% of the sampled respondents are under low participation category, 53.6% are under medium level of participation category and 19.3% of the respondents are under high participation category. The study result showed that women contribute 73.4% of labor to crop harvesting activities and 91.5% in poultry rearing. However, women’s work in the agricultural activities documented as marginal and they have been considered more as consumers than as producers.
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