Assessment of goat production systems and factors affecting goat production and goat�s milk consumption in Humbo District of Wolaita Zone, Southern Ethiopia


Gebreegziabher Zereu, Merkine Meshka and Mathewos Shanka

This survey study was conducted in Humbo district of Wolaita Zone, Southern Ethiopia, with objectives of assessing goat production systems, constraints of goat production, goat’s milk consumption status and factors affecting goat milk consumption. Stepwise sampling method was employed and 103 households were selected. The mean landholding size was 1.8 ha (ranging from 0.25 to 7 ha). The mean total goat holding was 5.2 heads (ranging from 1 to 22 heads). Goats were reared for asset, meat production, milk production and as source of income. Extensive (55.4%) and semi-intensive (44.6%) were the two goat production systems identified. Ranked by the respondents, shortage of browsing area (1st), feed shortage (2 nd), prevalence of disease (3 rd) and lack of improved goat breeds (4 th) were the major constraints for goat production. Goat milk consumption was not common (about 96% of the respondents did not consume goat’s milk), because of different factors including culture (about 85%), lack of awareness on the importance of goat milk (9%) and low amount of goat milk produced. Therefore, different improvement strategies that can solve the existing constraints should be employed.

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