Applying the theory of planned behavior to explore the independent travelers�?? behavior


Chih-Yung Tsai*

This study analyzes the behavior of Independent traveler participators on the basis of projected behavior theory. The results are as follows: (1) key person’s opinion to the participator is the most significant to the participator’s willingness to spend time to actively learn related knowledge before joining in the Independent traveler. (2)The greater confidence and capability the participator has during Independent traveler, the more measures are taken involved in the Independent traveler. (3)The more measures taken involving the Independent traveler by the participator, it is more likely the participator to join the Independent traveler. (4) The opinion from other key persons has impact on the participator’s willingness to promote or recommend others to join the Independent traveler. (5)The greater confidence and capability the participator has, it is more likely the participator to join the Independent traveler. (6)The more thoughts the participator has, the more frequent the participator actually joins the Independent traveler. (7)The greater confidence and capability the participator performed during the Independent traveler, the more frequent the participator joins the Independent traveler.


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