Dayal R. Parhi, M. K. Muni, A K Kashyap, Saroj Kumar and Vikas
Navigational control of various robots describes the capability of the robot to allocate its own location and afterward to outline a route to reach the defined target. It comprised of two fundamental elements, these elements are planning and localization, with the ability to guide a robot in assigned terrain. Localization coordinated a real situation to a position within a tracery; precisely, every position in the tracery alludes to the real location in the terrain. Planning is described as observing the terrain, locating the optimum collision-free path between the start and the target. For every robot, the capability to explore the terrain and navigate along the target is significant. Keeping away from the hazardous circumstances, such as collision with obstacles, uneven surfaces is the primary action to take care. Robots find a distinct location in the terrain to obtain the safe route to reach the target using the navigational control. Intelligent navigational controls are necessary to design an autonomous robot. The demands of these autonomous robots are happening in different approaches, for example, research laboratories, defense operations, automobile assembly, etc. The robots powered with intelligent navigational control are capable of performing various jobs efficiently like, machining, handling costumers in restaurants, disaster relief. For these reasons, an intelligent navigational control is a necessity for a robot to travel in static and dynamic terrains. The pincipal point in robot navigation is to obtain the optimal route to the target for regularizing and secure path planning in complicated terrains. In reference to these issues, a few control methods are investigated by several researchers for the navigation of robots. This paper gives a review analysis of various methodologies and sensors used for navigational control of different types of mobile robots during the past few decades.
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