An evaluation of the current status of low cost village poultry production


Aphrodis Jackson Mvuyekur, Jean-Luc Agahozo

A study was conducted on 262 indigenous poultry farmers in Rwanda to assess the current status of low cost village poultry production. Majority of the respondents were male (59%) mainly (70.2%) located in urban and Per-urban areas. The majority (56.9%) had primary education and kept the dwarf type (53.5%) followed by the long legged type (26.9%). Stocking birds were mainly sourced from Neighbors (50.8%) and markets (30%). Free scavenging (67.4%) predominated. Disease management lagged as 41.4% farmers never treated birds and 37.2% used indigenous knowledge. Ectoparasitosis (35.2%) and Diarrhea (34.3%) were the main disease conditions cited. Only 15.7% of farmers reported disease outbreak to veterinarians. Clutch size ranged from 5 to 18 with mean of 13 ± 2 and hen maturity age averaged 7± 2.1 month. Farmers reported periodic high morbidity and mortality among poultry flocks with resultant low productivity and profitability. Predators (42%), diseases (23%), lack of credit (20%) were the main challenges stated.

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